Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fellowcraft Degree - Feb. 21, 2011

".....and if industry and zeal attend your labors, you may gather beneath the veil of our mysteries, additional treasures of science and knowlodge."

Some of those veils were parted open to brethren who were passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft, the second degree of craft masonry, on the evening of Monday, February 21st. Pictured above are three brethren from our lodge and one from Alpha Lodge. The Fellowcraft Degree is symbolic of the advancement of the mind. As an Entered Apprentice Mason, we are taught the beginnings of Freemasonry, and the manner in which to use our working tools. In this degree, science and intellect are emphasized to teach young Brothers to conduct themselves in a manner that impacts the whole of humanity in a positive way. The symbolism of this degree allows us to further our understanding of the sciences, continue to see the influences on our character and the perfection of our nature. As we explore the meaning and teachings of the some of the tools and other symbols experienced throughout the Degree of Fellowcraft, we can all see how our minds are challenged. This began with ascending the Winding Stairway (pictured below).

This symbol is one of Masonry's most important symbols

The Working Tools of this degree were presented by Br. Bill Lobay who did a fine job. W.B. Anthony Santiago conferred the lecture and Geometry, which was pretty impressive considering how much memorization that is! Kudos to W.B. Santiago! Congratulations to our newly passed brethren!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

'Exploring the Chamber of Reflection'

On Monday, February 7, 2011, one of our very own, W.B. Henry G. Abel III, enlightened the brethren of Nutley Lodge and traveling brothers alike with a presentation entitled 'Exploring the Chamber of Reflection'. W.B. Abel is the Senior Deacon of the American Lodge of Research (ALR) in NYC, of which he most certainly will become Worshipful Master of in a few years. The prestigous ALR is THE premier lodge of Masonic research in the United States of America.

His lecture, aided with a powerpoint program, focused on many of the aspects, elements, and esoteric and exoteric meanings of 'The Chamber'. This is a topic composed of several complex elements of which countless additonal lectures can be written on. We will not go into the specifics of the presentation in this public forum, but rest assured that it was one of the most exciting and thought provoking presentations that Nutley Lodge has seen in a long time. If you missed this, you truly missed out! Kudos to W.B. Abel for presenting the brethren with much needed light that!!!

The Worshipful Master (right) presents W.B. Abel with an award for his excellent presentation

Annual Lodge SUPERBOWL Party!!!

On SUPERBOWL Sunday, February 6, 2011, Nutley Lodge hosted its Annual Superbowl Party! We had so many delicious foods prepared for the evening. A desktop computer was raffled off among other things! The lucky winner was one of our senior Past Masters, none other then R.W. Ed Honchen himself!!! He also won the final jackpot of the Superbowl boxes leading some to speculate that it was a fix! Much fellowship and fun was enjoyed by the people that did attend the party. The Worshipful Master tried his hand at playing cards with the 'veterans' of the card games. No mercy was given to him, Master or not! A much deserved thank you goes to Br. Domenick Abbate for preparing all the food. The spread was truly a marvel, a certified FEAST! Thank you to the brethren that supported their lodge by attending this evening!

Left: Brothers enjoying a 'freindly' game of cards

Desktop PC won by R.W. Ed Honchen

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nutley Brethren Attend the Dyslexia Childrens’ Center Luncheon

On Sunday, January 30, 2011, brothers from our Lodge attended the Scottish Rite’s 4th Annual Dyslexia Learning Centers for Children Luncheon.  The event, held at The Gran Centurions of Clark, NJ, was well attended by the Deputy Grand Master, brother Masons, family and friends of Masonry, totalling an approximate 260 people. A delectable buffet-style lunch was enjoyed followed by the day’s program. A young lady, a student of the center in Scotch Plains, addressed the assembly by expressing how thankful and how good it was to have the Dyslexia Learning Centers.  It was a day of doing what Masons do best!

Brothers enjoying a laugh
R.W. Bro. Paul Ferreira and the Master
pose for a picture at the luncheon